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Portrait of Jesus Christ
The Gospels Map Logo
Nativity scene with animals and shepherds
Mary and joseph traveling to Bethlehem
Wise Men in Bethlehem
Wise Men in the desert
12-year-old-Jesus Christ in Temple
Jesus Christ Feeds 5,000 people
Raising Girl1 copy.webp
Atonement Prayer1 copy 2.webp
Jesus Christ on the cross
Jesus Christ appears to Mary
Map of Palestine at time of Christ

Using The Gospels Map

The pins on the map show locations of events in Jesus Christ's life. Select a pin to open the location.

App screen for events
Picture enlargement screen sample
Scripture text example

Each event has the location, event, scripture reference, three pictures  and narration. 

Select a picture to enlarge the image. Select the play button to play the narration. 

Select the scripture reference to read the passage. 

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